3 things: We had blogging in common. Nicola said Geoff has a compulsion to write. I have a compulsion to wish I could write. Second, their projects required multidisciplinary teams. Third, they presented one crazy/wonderful idea after another. Nobody in this world need be bored.
Nicola (accent on "Nik") and Geoff Manaugh (may' know) are married - to each other.
I got there early enough to introduce myself. I took classes in this room millions of years ago. The auditorium filled with a sharp, healthy looking crowd. I'm sure they felt the heavy weight of the fall semester. The lights never go out in the architecture building.
George Johnston, Professor and Interim Chair of the School of Architecture introduced the program. Dr. Johnston gave me the secret-parking-handshake so I don't have to walk so far next time. | Mike Bennett is a 3rd year COA grad student managing the lecture series. Mike suggested 2 more lectures coming up: | Luke Wilkerson is a 3rd year COA grad student working the program with Mike. Students run the lecture series and chose the speakers with help from the gray matter(s) blog. |
On with the show.
Nicola talked for a while then alternated with Geoff.
There is a story behind each picture: Analysis applied to the mundane can produce epiphanies. Cupcakes are hot. Where are cupcake stores opening? What kind of stores open near them?
Is this going to be on the test?
It was overwhelming. I'm still processing: Collaboration, freeing buried rivers in London, mushroom tunnels, muti-purpose stadiums, growing construction materials, the "Mole Man," quarantine.
Geoff signed books.
They posed for a blurry picture with me.
Being a sentimental family man myself it is clear Nicola and Geoff are crazy about each other, making their world roaming career bearable. Anyway, spouse co-lectures are warmer than most. I hope they'll make some little BLDGs one day if you get my meaning.
I'm sure that the College of Architecture has one of the few cyclone dust collectors in town. Vintage models were everywhere in High Point where I grew up.