


Henning Larsen Architects has designed the region’s biggest hotel for Sønderborg harbour front. The hotel comprises 210 rooms, and a water park, with a panoramic view over Alssund. The project forms part of Frank Gehry’s masterplan which will transform the area from industrial harbour into a new city district featuring a multi-cultural centre, a performing arts centre, a hotel, residences and offices.


”The hotel will rise as a new landmark for Sønderborg, creating a new gathering point in the city. We have been very inspired by Sønderborg’s history as commercial city with its dynamic harbour, warehouses and close relationship with the sea. Thus, our concept offers a beautiful panoramic view of the harbour from the hotel rooms and water park. It has been important for us to integrate the history and qualities of Sønderborg in our design”, says Director and Partner, Louis Becker, from Henning Larsen Architects.


Towards the harbour, a publicly accessible urban space will run alongside the entire building volume. South of the urban space, an Urban Plaza with terraces towards the water will allow for recreation and activity with a view. The urban space unites the harbour front and creates connection to Sønderborg Castle to the south.


The Urban Plaza will become a vibrant space, characterised by the activities in the area. The lower facade of the approx. 85 metre high tower is made up of bricks, while the upper part is mainly clad in copper to give the building a historic reference.


The tower is made up of 18 displaced floors of hotel rooms, serviced apartments and offices, offering a spectacular panoramic view of Sønderborg. The hotel will become an icon, whose height will allow guests to see all the way to the cities of Aabenraa and Flensburg. The tower has a more slender shape than set out in the original plan to optimise the view of Sct. Marie Church from the north.


”The top level of the hotel will be open to everyone. From here, visitors will get a full view of Sønderborg’s skyline, consisting of both historic and modern elements”, Louis Becker explains. ”Frank Gehry’s masterplan grasps the soul of the city. In the hotel tower, we have further developed the displaced geometries to make the building engage in direct dialogue with the city.”


The water park is designed to give guests an extraordinary view of Alssund Sound. The water park’s close proximity to the harbour space will give it a unique, dynamic atmosphere, which will be an attraction in itself. 


According to Michael Saxtorph, Managing Director of Sønderborg Harbour Development Company, who is responsible for the project, the development company expects to have all agreements relating to building and operation settled by the end of this year, with the aim that the hotel can be inaugurated in 2018.