Ormewood is south of I-20, west of Grant Park, east of East Atlanta. "...Aquilla J. Orme approved a plan to extend the trolley line from downtown Atlanta to the Old Soldiers Home on East Confederate." It's modest, quiet, low-key, picturesque. The "e" is silent; pronounce it "orm' wood."

There is a beautiful little church there, Ormewood Park Presbyterian, perfectly in keeping the the neighborhood.
To me the sanctuary's combination of wood and stone is irresistible. It was completed in 1914. I don't know who designed it.
The green doors, brass kick-plates, and chunky pediment make a statement.
The portico comes complete with blue ceiling. I doubt the lantern is original equipment.
The door's pediment pushes it, know what I mean? It holds its ground, balances the pediment, columns and stone.
Delicate windows and indelicate stone make an appealing contrast.
The windows lighten the walls.
There is a slope.
The whole complex is accessible, practical, not precious.
For you modern kids: the 1950 fellowship hall should fill the bill.
Few Atlantan's have even heard of Ormewood Park and fewer still have been there
Maybe you'll find your way over there from Grant Park to see the red Ormewood Avenue Bridge.
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A few for Norberto