LaVista Road, Georgia 268, is how you get from I-285 to Tucker. It's a 5-laner. Not a burger-row, but you just want to get through it. And get though you must, it's my route to the legendary Handy Hardware, and the to fine town of Tucker.
"Most landmarks and focal points in cities - of which we need more, not fewer - come from the contrast of use radically different from its surroundings, and therefore inherently special-looking, happily located to make some drama and contrast of the inherent difference ... noble buildings ... set within the matrix of the city, instead being sorted out and withdrawn into 'courts of honor'"- Page 228, ”The Death and Life of Great American Cities” - Jane Jacobs, Vintage Books Edition 1991
For years I've wondered what the heck this place is.
Last week after visiting the dentist across the street I ran across the 5 lanes for a closer look. It's picturesque fronting the modernish Tucker Recreation Center. Looks like there's a pilgrim in the yard!
The landscaping is so modest and so comfortable: woodchips in a garden grown wild. (design pattern 172. GARDEN GROWING WILD)
You can rent the place, get married here. I approve.
It wasn't open but I got took a picture though the window.
If you've got a couple of minutes, stop and enjoy it on foot.
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You can't miss it.