
An Outie in an Innie English Regency Style

Things that Inspire is having the best discussion about whether casement windows should open in or out.

It got me thinking about niches and orioles - THAT kind of innie and outie. I like Innies AND Outies in sculpted Regencies. You?

Here is the 1936 Thornton-Jones House by Philip Shutze a beautiful English Regency.

It's has niches in the gables. "Niche" is barely adequate to describe this innie.


Here is a 2001 Harrison Design Associates English Regency. It's a good look, no?

As with the Shutze then ends massive double chimney with sculpted curvy effects. An outie oriele window this time.

I guess this is an outie in an innie.

Warning: Lame design Haiku ahead. I think this post's title has a better rhythm.
sculpt a proud gable
outie in an innie for
english regency