I'm an not a designer or architect or photographer. My career: computer programmer and computer bureaucrat.
I'm Terry Kearns
Atlanta, Georgia
Blog "Architecture Tourist"
Twitter @terrykearns
I'm in Atlanta. It's very nice here. It's a driving town. So I try to make the most of my drives by architecture touring. I carry my little camera. If I spot something cool and if it's safe, I take a picture.
Atlanta has curves, hills, and trees. So? You'll round a curve or crest a hill and there will be something nice to see. Drive another hundred yards and it's gone.
There are many zen views of the city proper. At times your are driving in what seem to be a forest or a dense residential area. Suddenly there is a zen view of the city. It's breathtaking; then it's gone. Try Clifton Road by the CDC and you'll see what I mean.
Beauty: only skin deep. I don't get invited into many houses. So I have to settle for the street view and the setting in the landscape. Inside is where architecture can make folks feel good.
I'd be happy if you'd send me an email.
I'm the lucky guy in the blue sweatshirt:

Don't scroll past here: SCARY PICTURE of me at the old computer desk.
I do get out of the house from time to time, if only to lean on my shovel
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