They could have torn it down and rebuilt from scratch. Perhaps they would have in 2006.
It was a 1948 rancher on 1/4 acre, about 1,600 square feet. Notice the recessed porch? Will they keep it?
Here it is in context. It sits on the bluff side of the South Fork of Peachtree Creek. They might be able to see the creek in winter from the new second floor.
The house on the right has already be done It is a colossal improvement over the house it replaced with it's hexagonal picture window.
You must have tall ceilings these days. So you tear off the roof AND the ceiling joists. Then you build a knee wall, maybe 2 feet taller and a new joist system fit for a 2nd floor.
They kept as much brick as they could.
I thought it was taking forever, then one day:
They've got a bit more landscaping to do.
It's the one on the left. It's blends rather than shouts.
They kept the recessed porch and built massive front steps. I don't think this top dead center picture is it's most flattering angle.
The landscaping awaits a budget infusion to soften up the stairs and porch.
Compare these two poptops in wood and stucco:
Next: 3 of 4 is a teardown where style matters.