
73 at our July 4th Party! circulation, cozy corners, and bottlenecks

The headcount is in. Katherine used a Google Docs spreadsheet and the pictures to ID 73 folks at the party.

Party tip #1: Polka-dot Girls.

Party tip #2: JoAnn says you need circulation, cozy corners, and bottlenecks and she's always right. Here goes:

Y'all know that I prefer people in design pictures. Houses and rooms are for people.

This pre-party sink-view is OK.

But I prefer this.

Yeah. It's a cozy bottleneck. You can lean on the rail, have your back to a wall, and spill your drink: party comfort.

FloorPlan With Marked Colors and Spaces
It rained and it was hot before it rained so the big room had to get the job done. Thanks Bill, Susan, and Gordon.

Most folks circulated but a few just sat. We moved chairs from everywhere to everywhere as needed.

You had to go though our back door bottleneck for beverages, lot's of meet-ups here. And who'd want to miss Gab, Cam, Em, and Nina?

P1120145-2011-07-04-July-4th-party-Jay-Jeremy-Andy -Carol
Don't you love that look: Carol's loving amusement with her "boys?" Carol and family conferred in our buffet/balcony corner before unleashing themselves.

We pushed the porch table off center. The high chairs made a cozy place for about 12. From there folks could observe inside and outside.

The sofa is cozy 24/7.

Nobody has to teach cozy.

Being cozy in a crowd makes for great parties. Folks instinctively find their querencia (that area of the "ring" where they feel emboldened and which they consider a safe haven).

We had a bottleneck outside too. We nabbed Jere and Debbie trying to sneak a casserole past the pickup.

Of course folks need some space too.

Do y'all allow dancing at your parties? We do.

Crazy games involving cups, beverages, and wet tables? We do.

Shameless multi-generation victory gestures? We do.

But we have do draw the line when REDACTED try to REDACTED with the REDACTED.

It was over too soon. Superman house reverted to Clark Kent house.

All that's left are the MoonPies (Special thanks to Jeff for the MoonPies)...

...and the memories of our wonderful guests for honoring us.

We give a special courage award for blogger Patti at Pretty Old Houses. Patty and Steve braved our party for the very first time. Here they are time lapsed on the porch:

No bloggers were injured filming this video.