It's hard enough to keep the familiar in my head and these modern homes are anything but familiar.
I mostly put away my objectivity and my camera and went along for the ride.
I found myself looking out as much as looking in..
I found myself enjoying scenes like this. Did the architect - Scott West - intend this vista? Did he design it just for me?
Did Matt Walsh design this for just me? I spent the afternoon as docent at Matt and Fran's house admiring the view. I'm sure he intended this "window overlooking life." See Pattern 192 of A Pattern Language.
It takes a big painting to balance this smallish window thanks to the architects Cara Cummins and Jose Tavel from TaC Studios
This is Bill Carpenter from Lightroom STUDIO (fingers on chin). In this house I felt sheltered from the elements but I didn't feel "inside."
Wait 'til next year.