You'll have to imagine the interior decor of these warehouse lofts in Atlanta's Old Fourth Ward. I'm hooked on the Virginia Cotton Docks. On the dead end of John Wesley Dobbs at Randolph Street.
There are some for rent. You might drive by this sign 100 times before you really looked.
These were real track side warehouses. I know nothing about their history.
These were obviously turned into lofts long before lofts were cool and back when the Old Fourth Ward wasn't so nice.
Mint Gallery is there. An Artist's opening would be the perfect excuse for a visit.
Here is the business end of the Virginia Cotton Docks. It's on a railroad siding serviced by what will be Atlanta's Beltline.
Careful on that first step.
Across the Beltline is another old warehouse, now a restaurant.
I meant "future" Beltline, here is a view to the north. This will be a greenway, a low tech transportation corridor, or something. Everybody is excited about it.
Here is unit "M" You'll need to click the picture and make it bigger. It's a rather shabby front for what must be very cool loft.
These windows and doors are not standard warehouse equipment. I'd enjoy a peek inside.
While there, Architecture Tourists will enjoy all 3 blocks of Sampson Street and particularly the colorful Irwin Street Market at the south end...
...where you might find a couple taking engagement pictures in front of Isadora's Doodles.
I sure appreciate your dropping by. There is more to see on this little street. It's just blocks from the King Historic District, Inman Park, Cabbagetown, Little 5 Points and more. And don't miss the wonderful Wigwam. I'd be happy to help you find your way.
Thanks to Atlanta blogger Aspirations of a Southern Housewife who also enjoys Irwin Street Market and the Old Fourth Ward. I've extended this little tour of Sampson Street in this on a new post.
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