The 2011 winners of 10UP: Lisa Sauvé & Adam Smith, Synecdoche
(Si-NEK-duh-kee) “simultaneous understanding”
They won a cash award and a budget for the project.
Edge Condition at Octane Coffee Bar at Dusk on June 9.
"Organized by YAF Atlanta and now in its second successful year, the goal of 10UP is to design a temporary installation and to create a unique spatial experience while also complimenting the MA (Modern Atlanta) MA11 “Design is Human” event with a large scale design element accessible to hundreds of event patrons"
There is catch: Edge Condition is gone! It will reappear in January at Museum of Design Atlanta "MODA" but it probably won't look exactly like this.
"...must be assembled within 24 hrs prior to the MA11 “Design is Human” Kickoff and disassembled within 24 hrs of MA11 “Design is Human” Closing) with simple tools and an assembly crew."
I visited at Dusk on Thursday and walked around. I'm glad I did.
It's a pile of hardwood sticks diverted into a sculpture between the sawmill and the chipper.
Best pile of sticks I've seen for a while.
Lisa & Adam flew from Michigan to tear it down. I went on that warm Sunday morning, June 12, so I could meet them and take their picture. A small crew from the AIA and neighborhood gathered to help.
Left to right: J5, Adrienne Froemelt, Nathan Koskovich, Lisa Sauvé, Adam Smith, J5 the Dog.
Augers, plates and cables held the whole thing together.
Adam and Nathan took to the lifts.
I preferred staying with Adreinne and Lisa on the ground crew.
They used a Hero to capture a time-lapse. Have you seen a Hero before? I like it. I hope we'll see a video soon.
Congratulations to Lisa Sauvé & Adam Smith, Synecdoche. Come back to Atlanta any time. there is a nice article about in Dezeen.
Here are all my pictures from 10Up.
P.S. Remember last year's winner?
PERISCOPE by Matter Design
Brandon Clifford
Wes McGee
Dave Pigram
Matthew H. Johnson