Atlantans don't romanticize the Civil War, don't think of it much at all. Atlanta isn't like Washington and the Northeast; it's not really old. We've built and paved over the battlefields. Sherman destroyed all but about 400 buildings so there is not much antebellum here. There are plenty of historical markers but we don't stop to read them, no prominent monuments. We're kind of embarrassed by it all, don't have much connection to the 12,000 casualties.
When you are cruise East Atlanta - and you should - make the circuit of Metropolitan Avenue and McPherson Avenue, two surprising streets. At McPherson and Monument Avenue, you'll find this cannon.
A Union general, James B. McPherson died here. It's a history jolt.
Finding great houses in Buckhead, scene of the Battle of Peachtree Creek, is like shooting fish in a barrel. You should certainly do it.
Cruising Glenwood Drive, Memorial, and Edgwood from East Lake to Oakland Cemetery is more challenging but it's a must. You'll want to start or finish at Meadow Nook (1856).
You'll find this cannon where Glenwood crosses I-20, where Confederate General W.H.T. Walker was shot.
Exploring brings unexpected rewards. Look for houses and architecture and find hallowed ground.