I'd call gloAT a dance troup that dances off stage. They say "gloATLis a collaborative platform of exceptional contemporary physical experience...Part choreography and part interactive art installation..." and I think that's right.
This is the event. The park remained open for skaters throughout the rehearsals and performances.
That was a very good thing.
Hundreds of folks showed up.
Did you know about the brand new skatepark on the Beltline?
The fans didn't always know what was going on.
They probably still don't know.
Dancers wore '60's outfits and wigs.
They danced solos and septets. They danced everywhere. They danced in front of, in, and behind the audience. They danced to music, to words, and to crowd noise. I chased them about but if you stayed in one place, they eventually came to you.
They danced on concrete and grass.
Skaters watched dance and kept skating.
Dance fans watched skaters and dancers.
And it was just crazy.
Just crazy.
Crazy fun.