Today something was happening in there.
It's is one of the great spaces in downtown Atlanta, maybe the best street facing room on all of Peachtree. The main retail floor expresses itself on the outside from the sidewalk up to the band above the arches. It's a space that makes humans feel important. In it's prime I would make a detour to walk through.
My business errands that take me by on foot every couple of weeks. It was raining hard today so I didn't take my camera. I usually can't even see into the big windows. Today was different.
Today the interior was lit theatrically. A group of about 30 folks in suits milled about in white hard hats, flashes going off. The huge 25 foot columns seemed to flank cathedral aisles. Workmen on lifts near the top of the columns weren't working. They were shining their helmet mounted miner lights on the capitals simulating something. I don't know. The room seemed under construction but not dirty or dusty.
There are several huge chandeliers - I'm talking 10 feet tall - covered with fabric. I don't know if there were really chandeliers under the cloth. It was like Ms. Habersham's house in Great Expectations.
A bit of searching revealed a $20M building permit issued December 3, 20090, and a group that had transformed the space for a corporate event. Is that what happened today?
Was this a dog and pony show to entice investors and tenants?
I hope so. I want to enjoy this space again.