I'm no critic: I loved the show. The longer I stayed, the more I enjoyed the work.
Thornton Dial's art works. You don't have to understand, you don't have to study, you don't have to have words for it, you don't have to like it. You are not being sold a bill of goods by cynical art critics.
Big works from clothing, building materials, car parts, sticks, wire and who knows:
Watercolors, I think:
Friendly birds
Sticks and wire
A human figure emerges, maybe a soccer player:
Nice folks.
Detail from the painting above:
Thanks to David Lewis (left). But for browsing a book about Thornton Dial in David's office, I'd have never known.
It was great seeing Julia Hale again, but where is Drew?
Some of our Morningside neighborhood cronies.
Denise Jackson from Emerging Art Scene is everywhere.
Architecture Tourists: Katherine and Terry (your blog host)
If you have time, here are all 37 of my pictures.
Thanks so much to Thornton Dial for the art, to Tinwood for promoting southern self taught artists, and to Tanner Hill Gallery for presenting the work and hosting the reception.