
Phoenix Flies Recap #3 - Central Presbyterian

This is the briefest recap of my visit to Central Presbyterian Church in Downtown Atlanta during the Atlanta Preservation Center's Phoenix Flies tour for 2011.

This is the north facing window of the Rand Chapel.

Most folks look the other way, toward the Georgia State Capital when they are down here but the Central Presbyterian Sanctuary 1885 (by Edmund G. Lind 1885) deserves a careful look.

The steeple roof has stripes! Each stripe is 3 courses: light dark light. I think "refined" is the word.

Thanks to Philip Covin who stepped up at the last minute to give us the tour.

There are more blue ceilings around than you think.

It's the only church I've seen with a spiral stair. Don 't try sneaking in this way during the service. It's kind of squeaky.

They don't know as much about the windows as they would like.

I call these two east facing balcony windows the grape and the peach. I think exhuberant is the word for these.

The Campbell-Eagan Educational Building (1925 by Dougherty and Gardner) is an elegant backdrop for a playground or anything else.

The Rand Chapel (1951 by the Philadelphia firm of Thomas and Wagoner) is open to all at lunch.

Important business here and there.