

Following an architectural design competition run in 2013, BNP Paribas Fortis has chosen the firm be baumschlager eberle to build its new headquarters. After demolishing the current building, dating from the 1970s, construction of the new premises is expected to be completed towards the end of 2021.
The future complex will enable BNP ParibasFortis to manage operating costs more efficiently, improve employee quality of life, provide sustainable mobility solutions, while also meeting demanding criteria for socially responsible development. This investment will provide BNPParibas Fortis and BNP Paribas with a stronger presence in the heart of the European capital.
The new headquarters of BNP Paribas Fortis will be able to accommodate 4,500 workstations, 70% more than current capacity, with an unchanged overall floor space of 95,000 m2. The plans are also in line with the Bank’s overall strategy for the regrouping of its main premises in Brussels.
The plans for reconstruction of the headquarters building are also motivated by the Bank’s determination to meet the highest environmental and energy performance standards. “The architectural concept put forward by be baumschlager eberle captures the opportunity presented by this particular location in the heart of Brussels,” explains Max Jadot, CEO of BNPParibas Fortis.
“The new building will be functional, connected and versatile. It will focus on ensuring high performance from a technical and environmental standpoint as well as promoting the well-being of our employees, while also providing sustainable mobility solutions and a closer alignment with the vision and urban impact considerations of the City of Brussels.”
The next steps will be to re-accommodate staff in the Bank’s other premises in Brusselsand dismantle the technical facilities inside the building. The start of demolition work is scheduled (subject to receipt of the urban planning permission for the new project) for 2016. Construction of the new building is expected to begin in 2017.

Location: Brussels, Belgium 
Architecture: baumschlager eberle, assisted by Styfhals & Partners Architects 
Civil and structural engineering: Jan Van Aelst engineering firm, Gamaco and TPF
Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) Services: M&R Engineering 
Urban planning: Aries 
Sustainability/BREEAM: 3E 
Fire protection: FESG 
Legal advisor: DLA 
Landscape architect: VOGT 
Project management office: Bopro 
Area: 90,000 m2 
Start project: 2017 
End project: 2021 
Building owner: BNPParibas Fortis 
Building owner assistant:Arcadis