I think I missed its glory days entirely. I've been driving by since 1968.
Property tax records say it was built in 1925. There was a demolition permit in 2008, guess the economy squashed that. What can you do on 6,400 square feet?
In it's prime from Google Maps. Is there a happier picture?
Looks like it had been divided into 3 stores.
There was graffiti inside, plenty of city camping too.
Did you know that the billboard grew from inside the building?
Must have been a valuable billboard. When was its last fresh sign?
I'm dumbfounded.
The Kirbo Building (1971) to the left (east) is part of the Carter Center. It's got a bit of modern oddness. It always catches my eye. Was it a bank? I don't remember.
Booth Towers (1988) wraps the south and west sides.
There's loading dock - or something - out back.
The was another part of the building to the east, protected by a firewall.
At least it's interesting as it is. A buffed lot will be boring.
But I'm worried about that billboard. It's leaning east.
My brain will now return to ignoring it.
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