


Middelfart Savings Bank is a key institution in the town of Middelfart, located by the Lillebælt waters on the island of Funen, Denmark.

Thus the Savings Bank wanted their new Head Office to provide a new public space for the local citizens as well as an architectural icon for the town and the Savings Bank.


The building is characterized by a dramatic roofscape accommodating multiple functions. 83 prism-like skylights compose the spectacular roof surface defining the geometry of the building – in reference to the maritime environment as well as the surrounding timber framed buildings.


Thus, the new Head Office gently reflects and interacts with the dimensions, scales, roofs and cornice lines of the old town.


The roof is specially designed to frame a perfect view towards the water while at the same time shading from direct sunlight; thereby demonstrating a perfect synergy between design and function.


A bookshop, a café, a real estate agent and the cash desk are placed around a central plaza, resulting in the building forming an informal public meeting space at the ground floor level.


The Savings Bank work stations are located on three open terraces internally connected by broad staircases encouraging interaction and informal meetings or breaks. All plateaus are endowed with plenty of daylight and an unhindered view to the water.


The working environment is further improved by sustainable features such as natural ventilation and the latest technologies in energy efficient heating and cooling.


Thermo active concrete elements facilitate energy savings of 30-50 percent. This is due to the fact that the system allows for better use of alternative supply sources, i.e. the plant can operate as a low- temperature floor heating system during winter, based upon heat-driven heat pumps, and during summer, the cool night air, soil tubes, ground water or sea water can be used for cooling.


The system is partly self-regulating as water for heating and/or cooling is circulated with a temperature only a few degrees from the desired room temperature, and this is the key to the large energy savings. In addition to energy savings the capital costs were lower due to the reduced needs for cooling and heating.



Location: Middelfart, Denmark 
Architect: 3XN 
Project Team: Kim Herforth Nielsen, Jens Henrik S. Birkmose, Rasmus Kruse, Helge Skovsted, Flemming Tanghus, Jan Ammundsen, Tommy Bruun, Morten Mygind, Peder Kragelund, Klaus Mikkelsen, Tommy Ladegaard, Lars Povlsen, Jørgen Søndermark, Rikke Zachariasen, Heidi Daggry, Johanne Holmsberg, Stefan Nors 
Engineering: COWI 
Landscape Architects: Schønherr 
Area: 5,000 sqm 
Year: 2010 
Client: Trekantens Ejendomsselskab A/S  
Photo: Adam Mørk