

Brenner + Kritzinger Architekten

Kappl is a small village in the mountains of Tyrol in Austria, in the district of Landeck and is located app. 17 km southwest of Landeck in the Paznaun Valley.

Brenner + Kritzinger Architekten

The main task of this project was to create an attractive village square between the existing church and a nearly 40 º inclined slope. 

Brenner + Kritzinger Architekten

The new buildings were thus situated as to form a U-shaped outside space with the church adding the southern closure.

Brenner + Kritzinger Architekten

The three buildings are divided by 2 staircases, which by way of skylight glazing allow for natural light down into the basement floor. 

Brenner + Kritzinger Architekten

Restraint was used in the design and building height of the new structure to respect the adjacent church.

Brenner + Kritzinger Architekten

The use of familiar local materials, such as stone masonry, larch wood and white plaster integrate the new building into the village structure.

Brenner + Kritzinger Architekten

The green flat roofs lend a harmonious and flowing transition to the north-facing slope.


Location: Kappl, Tyrol, Austria 
Area: 4.200 m² 
Volume: 26.000 m3 
Year: 2010 
Client: community of Kappl 
Photo: Birgit Köll 
Software: ArchiCAD