Grady is the most "seen" Shutze building. It's across the street from Piedmont Park after all. Generations of students, teachers, and parents lived some memorable years here. I'm sure folks don't pay much attention though.

My 3 children went to school here. We were active parents. This place is part of our life.
It started as Boys High. Hentz Reid and Alder designed it while Philip Trammell Shutze worked there. It has his touch. It became Henry W. Grady High School in 1947. Shtuze did a renovation in 1950. It was the first desegregated High School in Atlanta.

The original building remains. But it's only about 1/5 of the campus now. So this is what most folks see and it's not very inviting. The "new" gym was of a certain era. You can just spot a Shutze urn over the roof.

You might have caught a glimpse from the Charles Allen park gate when you saw Paul McCartney, ran the Peachtree, or did the Dogwood Festival.

More likely you've seen it peeking from behind Grady Stadium. The grandstands are "Jetson Brutalist" and getting a renovation right now.

The Woody's Famous Philadelphia Cheesesteaks view from the Virginia Avenue hill is one of the best.

It's no wonder you haven't noticed this elegant neoclassic school house.

It's on a beautiful green with mature trees. And right now, no trailers.

You'll never notice the old gym. The architecture is a bit severe but I prefer it to the new gym (see above).

Even the breezeway can't hide Grady's high style.

The south end is elegant and quiet.

The north end housed the offices on the first, the library on the the second.

Central cities aren't emptying out any more so Grady is hanging in there, even growing as schools consolidate. Always, there is building and renovation. Here is where the very oldest meets the very newest.

I like this addition. It has some very fine detailing. It replaced several less sophisticated buildings.

But always the urns.

This is Midtown. Across the street we have this curvy, tile roofed older condo and green gabled bungalow...

...and this hill top modern with a Virginia Tech flag.

I hope you'll give Grady a closer look next time you are by.

See my post about Grady's Shiny Brick.
Thanks so much,
terry @
P.S. Here are even more pictures.